Where there’s art there’s Hope

Scéalta Ealaíne

art by Eoin Mac Lochlainn i Tbilisi, Georgia

Other people’s art blogs –  I came across a great one recently called “Art Calling”. Sarah Zoutewelle-Morrisis an artist/writer working in Holland. She’s working on her second book on art and recently we were talking…

Do check out her blog yourself but I have included an extract from her writing here because I think that it’s quite relevant for art in these troubled times.

I happen to be wrestling just now with the part of my book in progress that is about ‘Art and Livelihood’. My heart was never wholly into selling my art as a life goal. I wanted a more collaborative, connected, kind of art. I wanted my art to do good, add value to life…the kind of art that carries a connection with life’s mysteries and large questions, the kind of art that can soothe souls and inspire people to either make art themselves or to…

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